
Trever Murphy

Beloved friend, brother, uncle,
son, husband, colleague, instructor,
and Firefighter/Paramedic

Trever was born 10/11/1990 in Columbus, Ohio and died 4/12/2019. He died by suicide as a result of occupational and personal PTSD, as well as depression and anxiety. While his passing was the catalyst for the formation of the Trever Murphy Memorial Foundation, our goal is focus on his life and remembering why he was so loved. He fit more life and did more for others in those 28.5 years than many others could have done..

Despite tragic losses like Trever, mental illness remains a stigmatized and under-treated issue in the first responder community. More firefighters, EMS providers, and law enforcement officers take their own lives than die in the line of duty; In fact, suicide equals nearly twice as many deaths as LODDs. Like many others, we feel that number is drastically too high. It is our goal to normalize mental illness and subsequent treatment in the first responder community, rather than allowing the rescuers to think they should never need rescued. We do this by advocating, educating, and connecting with people. In addition, the Trever Murphy Memorial Scholarship serves as a tangible method to support those who aspire to follow in Trever’s footsteps as first responders who care, understand, and selflessly serve their communities.